Friday, 19 May 2017


Lots of people know that Abra is a hotspot of crime when there is an election in their city. Many officials died when they were on their position and even those people who were already ex-officials.
Because of this situation, almost all of the officials in Abra have their own hired private armies. The Vice Mayor of the said place admitted that he hired private army for him and for his family's safety.
He also revealed that he also hired minors because he said; it's more convenient to have teenagers than middle man. Minors might be much loyal to them because of indulgence from raising them.
Two teenage hit men said that they started being a hit man when they were just 12 and 14 years old. They also said that they were not forced to be one of them but it was on their will to join the private army.
The two teens was now 17 year-old and admitted that they already killed 4 to 5 people. Some of the people they killed were their personal enemies and other was commanded by their employers.
Police said that it was now gone but other said it was just hiding somewhere and ready to be hired.

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