Each of us is usually using alternative medicine like ointment, but don’t you know that there’s a man who has a hole in his head after using ointment?
A 55-year-old Australian man has a 1-inch wide hole in his head after using alternative medicine for his skin cancer. He thought that the ointment he’s using will cure his skin cancer but it only brings him another problem.
Within 4 months he’s using the black salve ointment for his skin cancer. This ointment was made from bloodroot, with sanguinarine and it is usually mixed to zinc chloride, for making the ointment smells good but causing the skin to decay.
It is usually used for curing moles, scars, and skin cancer but it can damage skin tissues that leave black scar and it is peeling after.
Since a century, the black salve ointment was a popular medicine for skin lesions, but from 2012 it was not accepted for cancer treatment in Australia.
The doctors in Princess Alexandra Emergency Department thought that the man need to have an operation but they let him go home after teaching him some self-treatment and wound management strategy to cure his wound. And after 3 months his wound already heals.
It is really safe to have a professional medical care than to treat yourself by your own knowledge and regret. You should be careful on using alternative medicine, and before using any ointment you should make sure that it is safe to use.