Friday, 7 April 2017



A 101-year-old woman, has given birth to a 9-pound baby, named Francesco, After controversial ovary transplants widest criticized by medical professionals because of her advanced age.

The illegal and controversial surgical operation was done in a private clinic in Turkey, Where European Laws on Ovary Transplant do not apply.

According to the doctor although he admits the procedure is highly controversal Dr. Alexandro Popolicchi believes the ultimate decision was up to his patient to make. "Who am i to judge if it is the proper thing to do? she has given birth to a beautiful baby and this miraculous birth is definitely a gift from God." he told reporters.

The operation was completely legal in Turkey and undertaken by a handful of expert surgeons. The motherin great health for her age and i predict she had still a many good year in front of her to share with her child.

Although miss Vertadellas husband passed away since 1998, the century-old widow has managed to find a sperm donor to make the birth possible...I met francescos father on the internet while trying to find a father for my child.this 26-YEAR-OLD MAN is a catholic and that is all,that is important to me.

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